#37 Installation

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

#37 New Years Bingo

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

#37 Christmas Movie Night

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

This event is Friday, December 6. Wear your PJs, bring your blankets and invite your friends! Price: $10


#37 Past and Fraternal

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

Potluck dinner before the meeting. $8 for dinner, or $5 if you bring something to share. Open meeting to follow dinner!


Bethel 37 Halloween Dance

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

DANCE RESCHEDULED  Come join Bethel 37 for dancing, games and lots of treats! Concession at the event


#37 Father’s Day BBQ

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

Entrance Fee: $7


#37 Mother’s Day Strawberry Shortcake and Tea Party

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

Come celebrate Mother's Day with Bethel 37 for at their Strawberry Shortcake Tea Party! Enjoy delicious strawberry shortcake and sweet tea! Entry fee $7 Silent auction to follow


#37 Christmas Movie Night

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

Join us for a cozy fun movie night! Bring your Christmas pajamas, blanket, and pillow. We will be watching A Boy Called Christmas. $10 gets you entrance, a movie, 1 hot or cold drink, and a bag of popcorn. A concession stand will include hot dogs, snacks, sweets, and beverages for a charge. Payment by...


#37 Halloween Dance

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

Cost: $10 7:30 pm: Halloween activities 8:30 pm - Dance Bring your friends and jobies to bee!


#37 Surrey Installation

Bethel #37 Surrey 14042 Grosvenor Rd., Surrey, BC, Canada

7pm ceremony with refreshments to follow.