Order deadline: February 16th, 2025

All proceeds support Miss BC Job’s Daughter as she travels to represent the BC Jurisdiction in this one-year provincial leadership position.

  • Advertise a business, recognize, or congratulate someone special (your bethel Officers, Degree of Royal Purple recipient, Grand Bethel Officers, Grand Officers), etc.
  • Include a business card, write your own ad text, or note a general message you want. Our experts excel at creating your advertisement. Do you prefer creating your own ad image? Use our Canva templates linked on the right.

Want to create your own ad? We have proper-sized Canva templates ready for you!

Ready to Submit Your Ad?

Fill in the details below

What size ad would you like?

Select Ad Size*

Would you like to include a sponsorship?*

Did a Jobie ask you to purchase this ad?*
10MB file size limit, 3 files maximum (acceptable file formats: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx)

Payment Method*

Payment Instructions:
Cheque: make cheques payable to the Grand Guardian Council.
E-transfer: send to gtreasurer@bcjd.org
Email gsecretary@bcjd.org to request to pay by credit card. Note the total cost of your ad(s).